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September 1, 2023
This way and that way from The Academic Quilter

 Hello all! Well, that was a long and unexpected blogging break! Not to worry, I am fine. It was all for good reasons. My Dad and my sister came to visit, and when that happens, you drop everything and spend time with them. Which of course meant that I didn't finsih off any of the projects that I planned to before we had approximately 300 meetings. So I'm behind on everything, but this is pretty much my normal state, so it's all good!
We had a great time showing them around Baltimore and just hanging out, so ...

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June 14, 2023
Positive thoughts from The Academic Quilter

 Hi all! Hope you are having a lovely, lovely week. We got back from the conference, which was pretty good, and the air has cleared up quite a bit. I was still a bit hoarse for my presentation, but at least I had a voice! Glad to be home, though, no matter the weather.

When I got home and rested a bit, I started playing around with some colors and pieces for the Positivity quilt along, sponsored by our friends Preeti and Bernie. You can find all the info and directions for making this year's quilt right HERE.

Here ...

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June 2, 2023
Another dose of Mercy from The Academic Quilter

Hi all, and happy weekend! It has been a warm week here, and today it is supposed to be about 95 degrees. Yikes! It's only early June! We might get some rain, too, which is great because the grass is already turning brown. Thankfully, I have not yet shriveled in the heat, but I'm eating popsicles and drinking iced tea just in case. Wouldn't want to take chances!
You know what's a good place to be when it's very warm outside and you really can't be out there planting anything? In a basement sewing ...

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May 18, 2023
Black and blue and quilted too from The Academic Quilter

 Hello everyone! Well, the grading is over and I am experiencing this odd thing called "relaxation." So far I like it, but it's kind of weird. I still have a couple of meetings before this year is in the archives, but it's mostly done. I have a very full summer schedule, but I did plan for a couple of weeks of doing nothing, so I have a little time before I have to buckle down again.

I decided to start my vacation by tackling some of the many (too many) unquilted tops I have hanging. Some of them ...

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May 6, 2022
Falling into spring from The Academic Quilter

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? Here's how I am: my husband has a cold. Condolences gratefully accepted in the form of chocolate.

Meanwhile, I've been sniffling with allergies, reading papers, churning out the grades, and ordering books from the library so I can do some research this summer. And I also finally got around to taking some beauty shots of this finished quilt:

Hurray, another one done! I quilted this a while ago, then finally put a binding on it, and then it waited around for a bit until I finally took some pictures. I don ...

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July 16, 2021
Peaceful blue vibes from The Academic Quilter

 Hi all! How have you been, besides really hot? I had a great week, mainly because we spent most of it with family, including both my parents and my grandkids. It was my dad's Covid-postponed big birthday bash, and it was a blast! A lot of us in this now-extended family were able to get there, and it was just great to be together. There may have been some tears, and not just from the teething one-year-old. The best part for me was getting to see my grandkids interacting with my parents, and listening to the five-year-old tell my ...

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  • mercyful quilt
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